Goblin Shark

The scary looking goblin shark lives in the waters off the coast of Japan. It’s able to shoot its protruding jaws forward to snatch up prey. When feeding in this manner, they look more like something out of an alien movie than a shark.

The goblin shark’s most conspicuous physical features are the long snout (called a rostrum) and the teeth.

Live goblin sharks have only rarely been observed and almost never filmed, so most of scientists’ knowledge of this species is a result of their accidental capture in fisheries targeting other species. They are believed to be active predators and to take some fishes, as well as squids and pelagic crustaceans.

The goblin shark is not fished commercially, and is only rarely captured accidentally in fisheries targeting other species. Based on a recent analysis, scientists believe the goblin shark to be a species of least concern.

Source: http://oceana.org/marine-life/sharks-rays/goblin-shark


Scientists believe that these creatures have been around even before the dinosaurs. What’s really interesting is that they are not considered a fish at all because they have no eyes, ears, nose, bones, a spine, a brain, head, or even a heart! Their body is made out of 95% water. If they’re out of the water, they are nothing but one big blob! Talk about their tentacles, they can be as small as 25 mm, but can be as long as two basketball courts, or about 61 meters! Their diet is small fish and zooplanktons.

Other species of jellyfish are among the most common jellyfish predators, some of which specialize in jellies. Other predators include tuna, shark, swordfish, sea turtles, and at least one species of Pacific salmon.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jellyfish

Spider Crab

The giant spider crab is the largest known species of crab and may live up to 100 years. Populations of this species of crab have diminished over recent years and there are many efforts to protect them.

The Japanese spider crab has the greatest leg span of any arthropod, reaching 10-12ft, claw to claw. The body may grow to a size of 16 in and the whole crab can weigh up to 42 lb — second only to the American lobster among all living arthropod species. The Japanese spider crab is an omnivore, consuming both plant matter and animals. It also sometimes acts as a scavenger consuming dead animals. Some have been known to scrape the ocean floor for plants and algae while others pry open the shells of mollusks.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_spider_crab